
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Quilting II

We have about three more rows to go!  I want to finish it today.  It won't be as easy since my mom and Olivia and Lili aren't here, but I think we can do it.

Here is the first day when we were getting it ready to go on the frames:

Cameo appearance of Mark's toes because he took the picture.

The quilting:

We all wore masks to keep my mom safe.

Braeden quilts without a thimble!  He thinks thimbles get in the way.

Despite my eye being at half mast, I have not recently suffered from a stroke.

Olivia and I coincidentally wore the same colors both days.  Also we were all sitting that close because we didn't plan well and that was all that needed to be quilted before we could turn that side.

It was a lovely way to spend a few days.  Olivia and I had a where are they now discussion about the people we went to high school with.  (In almost every case, she knows and I don't.)  We pulled out my yearbooks to remember names of a few people.  

I loved the time we had to visit with everyone.  I'm grateful to Adam who prepared all our meals.  Mark and Ruben were his assistants.  Here they proudly displayed their spread for lunch.

notice the cracker peace sign....

Time together and family and traditions and a pretty quilt.  I am counting my lucky stars.


Marianne said...

So fun!

Mark Dahl said...

It was a great couple of days. Thanks for all the fun.

Olivia Cobian said...

I hope you had something to eat for New Year's Eve!


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