
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

In the trenches

I was going for magical and I didn't really achieve magical, but it is festive.  I had Mark help me hang snowflakes from the ceiling.  I set up a tree with ornaments of each students' name made out of Scrabble tiles.  I have another small tree with miniature school themed ornaments: tiny chalkboards and apples and rulers.  It even has a pencil "star" that Emma made when she was a little girl.  (That little tree used to be in our school room.)

I have Mary Engelbreit Christmas scenes on the wall. 

I set up a display of Christmas books.

The song of the week is from The Nutcracker.

I read them a beautifully illustrated Jan Brett Christmas book during read aloud time.

For the first day of our class advent calendar they all got Christmas pencils.

Yesterday I found out more sad news about one of my student's families.  Every day there is sad news.  This year the sad news is more often.

My feeble efforts at Christmas cheer don't seem enough.

Maybe learning the times tables will help to take their minds off things.  The only thing I can provide is stability and predictability and love.  Maybe every time I respond with equanimity when they spill their water bottles everywhere (seriously children...) it will make them feel safe.  Maybe knowing that Mrs. Davis will give them a mask when they forget, a bandaid when they spring a leak and lotion when their hands are dry will be something.

I hope so because it's all I have.


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