
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

It's the little things

February is generally lighter feeling, but it is still winter.  It is still cold and dark and life can feel like a slog.  There are terrible things happening in the world and conflict and strife everywhere.

So here's a little list, for my own benefit really, of things that I feel happy about:

I am (very ineptly) teaching my class to sing "De Colores."  Panic is rising (for the teachers) as our culture program is nearing, but yesterday I learned how to say polluleos.  I have four students fluent in Spanish and especially the girls are very kind and loving about my inability.  They smile and gently shake their head no when I say, "Is that right?"

Sometimes they reassuringly say, "You're close..." 

Yesterday I cornered one of them and had her tell me how to say polluleos.  Say it again.  Slower.  I wrote it out phonetically.  I tried again.  She said, "You got it!"

I don't know if she or I was more pleased.

Also, the next time I decide to teach my class a song in a different language, I need to remind myself that I don't actually know a different language.

My students earned their points for good behavior in art.  As the teacher of the class that the entire school knows is the struggle class, those wins feel big.

Also, it turns out if you bribe them enough, they just. Keep. Getting. That. iReady. Goal.

I will keep buying treats until the end of time.

Last night, it was Bonneville Night at Kneaders.  The PTA hosts these nights at restaurants.  Some of the proceeds go to Bonneville.  Adam and I went, because Kneaders and also Bonneville.  I was happy all day thinking of my little mini date with Adam.  

Kneaders was a ghost town.  It didn't feel like the right demographic when I saw we were having a Bonneville night there, and turns out it wasn't.

I saw only one mom I know who was there picking up a to go order.  She was holding a little girl and the girl's face lit up in recognition when she saw me.  I don't know that girl; I wouldn't have been able to say she goes to Bonneville, but it made me happy that she knows me.  If nothing else, I'm a friendly face in the world.

It's the little things.

1 comment:

Mark Dahl said...

I'm sure all the students there know and love you, Thelma.


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