
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Snow day!

I'm sorry for what I said about winter trying my patience.  Winter delivered!  Today we have a snow day online learning day.

Online learning days are a gift from Covid.  Alpine School District had I think one snow day in 20 years.  It had to be made up and nobody wins when you have to make up a snow day during spring break.

Now, we have online learning days.

After school yesterday, we were instructed by the district that it was an online learning advisory.  Janelle and Miriam and I huddled around my desk and created a plan for what they could do at home.  Online and not online (they don't all have computers).  I have so much to catch up on plus I was feeling run down.  I REALLY hoped the snow day would materialize, but my weather app is also giving me trust issues.

Last night it was raining, a lot, and I implored the sky, "Snow!"

It did.

We got over 6 inches and it is still coming down.  I have sent out all the information to parents.  I have warm socks on.  I have created a to do list.  I could not be happier about this turn of events.


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