
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

No one's looking at the hedges

I love the Progressive commercials with that guy who is keeping new homeowners from becoming their parents.

For the record, I could do a lot worse than becoming like my parents, but the ads are entertaining.

The other night I saw one while Adam and I were watching Abbott Elementary (also entertaining).  Dr. Rick was talking to a homeowner who was cleaning his garbage cans and then the homeowner said, "Don't look at my hedges," because they weren't perfectly clipped.

Dr. Rick said, "No one's looking at the hedges."

It resonated with me.  We worry so much about doing all the things, but why?  No one's looking at the hedges.

Yesterday I had an eye appointment and then I walked with Clarissa and then I went to the pharmacy to get a new prescription for this ring ding eye of mine. It wasn't an original idea to swing by the pharmacy at that time of night.  There was a spelling bee at the school at 6:30 and one of my students was going to be in it and there I sat in the drive up line at Walgreens.  Also, my eyes were dilated and every light and passing car hurt my eyes.

I decided it was OK to go home.  No one's looking at the hedges.

(And Janelle texted me updates.  My student got in the top 5 which is not too shabby considering she was going against 4th, 5th and 6th graders!)

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