
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A reminder of why I don't have an office job

Yesterday we sat in the library all day, having a meeting.  I took my generally (but not super) comfortable chair, but I still ended up with a headache.  I was not built to sit all day.  That is all.

My new teammate, when we had a big presentation on management, asked me, "Do you have a lot of behavior problems at this school?"



So many.  And mostly parent created.

I left school still needing 4 desks and Riley can't find any more desks, which has us all a bit mystified.

Did someone steal desks?  Slip them out in their backpacks in May?

We are all having stress dreams.  

Jamie gave us little goodie bags and it's clear everyone is a bit stressed because when I looked around, everyone was fishing out the chocolate.  

There were also good pens in the bag, because Jamie.

Last night I got an email that I have another student.  Now I need five more desks.

Tonight I get to meet my class at Back to School Night!

I'm getting excited.


Unrelated to school, but last night Sue, our RS president invited Adam and me to dinner.  She had also invited all the new young couples in our ward.  She wanted Adam to give a little FHE message.  We ate burgers and the kids and Sue swam in their pool while Adam and I chatted with Sue's husband Greg.  I tried to be Sister Friendly, which is not my best strength, but I did get to know everyone's name and where they grew up and what they're doing with their lives (school, work, etc.).  

It's weird that we somehow became the old people in the ward.  

But here we are.

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