
Friday, August 2, 2024

Grateful Friday

 I am getting increasingly excited for school to start as my mind is shifting a bit from WGU masters degree student to 3rd grade teacher.  

(I am getting increasingly stressed about managing both at the same time.)

I wish I was totally finished with the degree, but I need to be at school to finish it, so this timing works.  

I got an email from school yesterday that sounded like I was being given a ministering assignment.  I was asked to mentor a newer teacher:

Do I have a partner? Will I be able to find cute ideas on Pinterest? Will there be a ministering interview?!?  

I'm grateful for how much I love my job.  I'm looking forward to being back.

I'm grateful I get to see my friend Erin tomorrow for her daughter's wedding reception.

I'm grateful for far-flung friends whose kids have wedding receptions in Utah.

I'm grateful for Adam.  I keep thinking about the words he said at Girls Camp and he's a pretty good kid.  That is all.

It is our 29th wedding anniversary on Sunday.  I couldn't be more grateful about 29 years with him.


Anonymous said...

You'll be such a great mentor!

Mark Dahl said...

You will be a great mentor. Tell Erin hello. So glad you get to see her.


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