
Friday, August 23, 2024

Grateful Friday

 I need the counterweight of gratitude.  When Mark has hard health days, like he did yesterday, it is very easy for me to feel discouraged and helpless and frustrated.

I am grateful that I get to be with my family this weekend for our family reunion.  We are going to Nevada and a few will be missing but most will be there.  Braeden and QE are coming, which I'm excited for.  I wish Anna was coming, but she already had plans to go to a conference to help her mom.  

I am grateful for my little class.  Those kids are worming their way into my hearts.  I still welcome the hugs and smiles of my former students too.

A gaggle of girls accosted me with hugs and one of them has this amazing curly hair and they showed me that she had "boing boing hair like Susan."

It was a reference to Ramona, who repeatedly got in trouble for pulling Susan's hair in kindergarten and the fact that they remembered it and had to tell me made me very happy.

I am grateful that the sweet little girl, who has been the line leader this week, slips her hand into mine when we walk down the hall.

I am grateful for the boy who argued with me that he couldn't find his whiteboard when seconds earlier he had slipped it under the rug.  I said, "Get your whiteboard."

He gave me a winning smile and said, "OK, you win this time."

I am grateful that when one boy was sitting on the floor absolutely sobbing at the end of the day, another boy, a very quiet and somber boy, pointed him out to me and then solemnly left the room.

I sat with my sobbing friend and got to the bottom of his distress and dried his tears. 

I am grateful I could buy a big Costco size package of bandaids.  There are no bandaids in the school and third graders spring leaks.

I am grateful for the girl who made me laugh out loud on the way to lunch yesterday when she pointed to a sign in the hall and said, "I've always wondered what these signs say, but I'm not going to waste my learning on reading a sign."

I am grateful for the ways they stop me in my tracks and surprise me.  I was reading a book comparing and contrasting Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.  

A girl raised her hand and said, "Did you know he cheated on his wife?"


Yes, but you're eight and what?

I said, "We're not going to talk about that right now."

They keep me on my toes.


Marianne said...

The girl with the comment on not reading the sign made me laugh out loud too! I'm so excited to spend some time with you and yours this weekend!!

Mark Dahl said...

I love the comment about not wasting your education on reading signs.


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