
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I think I can

 After 24 hours of just wanting to curl up and hide and questioning all my life decisions, things started to get a little better.  For one thing, rather than manically adding things to my to do list, I was able to cross a few off!  

I stopped by to ask the 4th grade teachers a question and I realized I was better off than they are.  They each have 35 kids in their classes and are pretty much panicking.  They are great teachers and I know they can do it, but I wish they didn't have to.  

Utah has the largest class sizes in the country and I think it is rotten.  

Also, their AC wasn't working in that wing of the school.

Talk about adding insult to injury.

(Can I just take a moment and thank all the voters who didn't pass the bond for Alpine School District?  I think of you every time our HVAC is on the fritz.  So...often.)

Later I walked into the work room and in the same way I can tell when bread is ready to come out of the oven by smelling it, I knew the laminator was ready to go.  

Someone else had turned it on and it takes awhile to heat up, so it felt like such a bonus in my life.

I hightailed it to my classroom and got some things I wanted to laminate.

It's the little things.  I mean, a hot laminator!  What a great world!

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