
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Paper and pencil and opposition

 Yesterday had myriad frustrations.  If it isn't the kids, it's their parents.  Also, our schedule is awful.  We decided after school to take matters in hand.  Miriam and I each had our paper schedules and a pencil.  We crossed out and wrote new times and moved math and phonics and science and literacy around until we were happy with it.  (Then we entered our new schedule on the computer...I need pencil and paper to think.)

I think it will be a lot better and it feels nice to be able to make a change.  Hope springs eternal.

I talked to Adam a few times and felt jealous that he is hanging out with QE and I am not.

We did a FaceTime call last night and she wanted me to play with toys, so I held up the stuffed animals for the camera to her delight, then I read her a story.

She wanted me to read another, but I told her I had to go do laundry.  I really, really did.

Maybe the best thing that happened yesterday was I hired Omar to be our trapper.  I told him he could keep the mice pelts and make a nice fur coat.  Olivia said, "Not in our house."

We want to make efforts to plug up holes better, but we didn't have much time this past weekend.  This will help in the meantime.

On Sunday I asked, "Why do we even have mice?"

My cousin Hannah said, "Opposition."

How much more opposition do we need?

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Omar was pretty excited to find a mouse yesterday--his first!


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