
Friday, August 16, 2024

First day

 It doesn't look all that different than other years, but here's my classroom on the first day of school.

School was exhausting and wonderful.

I met my students outside and we chatted about the crazy storm we just had a few days ago.  I wanted a topic to get everyone talking to each other and that fit the bill.  Everyone had their story.

A few of my former students stopped by for hugs and it was fun to see them.

One boy, whose mom told me has recently struggled with anxiety, started melting down in the line.  It broke my heart.  He was crying and covering his eyes and when it was time to go in, he wouldn't.  I finally got him inside and I asked him if he wanted to sit at his desk or my desk.  He chose my desk.  I got him some of my tools from my cool down kit.  He wouldn't even look at me or the fidgets.  

Jamie to the rescue.  She was outside my classroom and I got her to help me.  She got him to go with her eventually and later he came back and he was in better spirits.  After a few minutes his mom came to the school to talk to him, but I convinced the secretary not to let that happen since he was happy.

He had an OK day and was SUPER ready to go home at the end of the day.

My student who was just added yesterday morning is adorable.  He randomly told me several times that he loved me and he threw his arms around me.

I gladly take my paycheck, but I think I would pretty much do this job for free.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Congratulations on the new school year! It sounds like you're off to a great start!


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