
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Everything feels hard

 My schedule at school this year is so crazy.  Completely crazy.  It doesn't work.  At least not yet (look at me and my growth mindset!).  I am hoping I get the hang of it.

We have a new phonics program that I haven't figured out completely yet.

I have phonics broken into two chunks of time some days and literacy broken into two chunks other days.

My students freak out about it because, "Why do we have to do phonics twice?!?" (Everyone hates phonics.  Me included.)

I feel low key frustrated all day long because I'm just trying to survive and figure out what I'm doing from one minute to the next.

I know I'll get it.

I know.

It's just hard right now.

I am recording this so next year, when I feel the exact same way I can look at this blog post and remember that I survived this....

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