
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Cool and hip grandma (but not cool. Not at all)

 It was 80 degrees in my classroom all day long and that is too hot.  The AC was working, but not well.  When it shut off at 4:00, the temperature immediately climbed to 82.  By then, Mark had nobly come after work to help me hang stuff.

I miss complaining about the cold.

I was pretty much nose to the grindstone all day long.  Those of us that were getting new laptops got them.  I wanted my new laptop set up exactly like my old one, but I didn't know how to make that happen.  I brought it home for Adam.

He's a lucky guy, right?

Jamie came in my room at one point and said, "I need advice."

She also got a new laptop and she was showing me options for a new laptop case.

We debated the merits of the selections.  Too brown.  Too Mary Engelbreit (which I love, but it isn't Jamie's vibe).  Too floral.  Too much like a grandma.  I said, "Hey what's wrong with being a grandma?!?"

She said, "Well I didn't mean a cool and hip grandma like you."

We narrowed it down to two choices and then picked the final one.

It was all very high stakes and I love that I have a friend like Jamie who cares about aesthetics as much as I do.

(I had already ordered my computer case.  I had looked for it on my phone while I was listening to my district training on 2X speed on my computer.  I was quick and decisive because I have too much to do to live my life in any other way right now!)

Later I went into Jamie's office and said, "OK, now I need advice, but mine isn't as interesting."

It was writing proficiency scales and broken down writing goals.

I aimed my screen at her and she helped me with the wording.

An impossibly young new kindergarten teacher came in and said, "I have a dumb question."

Jamie said, "No such thing."

She said, "I don't know how to use a landline...."

So we got her up to speed.  But I told her I didn't know how to check the voicemail on mine and I am sure that whoever it is will call back.

I'm chipping away at it.

I'm hoping the AC is going to work today.  

1 comment:

Mark Dahl said...

I would love to see a progress report of how the room looks each day before you leave.


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