
Thursday, May 27, 2010

For My Dad and Brothers--He's One of You

For the annual Primary talent show, Mark had a few options.

He could be naughty, naughty, naughty all day long then smile at me and give me a kiss and melt my heart.

He's good at that.

What he decided to do though, was work some Lego magic.  He can whip out a Lego construction following the directions but I think what he prefers to do is create his own.  He calls them "copies" because they're almost always taken from Star Wars ships he has seen pictures of.  He took a creative detour though and made an R2-D2.


Mark's version:

He also made a Jedi Cruiser. 

The original:

Mark's version:

It was replete with swiveling guns...everything very symmetrical...this picture doesn't do it justice.

Mark's a builder. Like his progenitors.


Jennifer said...

Isaiah things these are VERY cool. Good job, Mark.

Jennifer said...

Correction: Isaiah THINKS these are VERY cool.

(I don't want to be the mom who has been banning legos lately AND the mom who can't spell.)


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