
Monday, May 20, 2019

Family Saturday

Ever since Mark turned 16, I have been wanting us all to go to the temple together to do baptisms.  We finally made it happen!  On Saturday, we met Anna at the Provo City Center Temple.  (Mt. Timpanogos Temple is closed for a few weeks.)

Braeden baptized Anna, then he baptized Mark.  Mark baptized Braeden, then he baptized Emma, then me.

Then, Adam and Braeden confirmed us.

We were being baptized and confirmed on behalf of our family members who have died.  There isn't going to be any proxy temple work for anyone closely related to me. These were distantly related family members from my mom's side of the family who lived in England during the 1800s.  (And researching people in England during the 1800s is what I love to do!)

Despite the distance, these are my people.  While Braeden was baptizing he mispronounced one of the names and my ears immediately picked up on it.  Because I know them.  I know how they're all related to each other and to me.  I found them and I feel linked to them.

Also being in the baptistry with all of my people felt wonderful.  I felt this overflowing love for Adam, Braeden, Anna, Emma and Mark.  It's possible it overflowed out my eyes a few times.

I'm here to tell you temple and family history work is a good use of time.

We had a late lunch at the Rocky Mountain Drive-In.  You may remember our pizza challenge we did several years ago.  We have embarked on a new challenge and we are taking it very seriously.  I've decided to call it the BBC, as in Big Burger Challenge.  We are on a quest to find the best cheeseburger in Utah County.  We're not going to make it to every burger place around, but we're going to try.  We have our criteria and a rating system.  So far we've gone to two places.  I need Adam to create infographics like he did for the pizza challenge.

Because this is a big deal.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Don't forget to include a Crown Burger in your quest. It's not just a cheeseburger, but it's totally worth your time (and the calories!).


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