
Thursday, May 9, 2019


Yesterday I had an excruciating job interview (that's the word I was looking for Marianne!).  Every job interview is an excruciating one.  And humbling.

My mom, both sisters, and Adam all called to find out how it went (Adam is on a business trip).  When I got home, my kids gathered to hear all about it.  They tripped over themselves with encouraging words.

So whatever happens (and I honestly have no idea--I'm long on enthusiasm and short on job experience), having such a support system buoying me up feels like I'm a lucky girl.  (Also, he didn't know about the interview, but Enoch called.  He was super supportive too and over the course of the conversation, I was the bearer of the sad news that elementary kids don't have P.E. everyday.  Homeschooled kids, am I right?)


Braeden and Anna flew into Salt Lake City last night, getting to the airport at midnight.  I am in no way equipped to drive to SLC at midnight.  Adam, as mentioned is out of town.  Emma is the real MVP.  She has her dad's night owl genes.  Letting your kids grow up sometimes pay dividends (like when you can go to sleep).

In another bout of grown girl awesomeness, with a little help from Mark, she made dinner last night.


Adam told me he's coming home a day earlier than expected.


Emma and I went shopping last night.  Such a simple thing, but how I love being able to do mundane things with my big kids.  I miss them.


Mark's doppelgänger at school is a delight in my life.  He wrote a rollicking tale of a pizza box who ate people and they lived inside the box's stomach, living on (you guessed it) pizza that "regenerated."

He thought of everything.

Then a "heroic hero" came along and tricked the pizza box into swallowing a "harmless explosion" that freed all the people.  Only the pizza box didn't survive.

He asked me yesterday if I'll still come and get him when he's in 4th grade.  It's a complicated answer because I'm hoping to be a teacher, but I would dearly love to still work with that guy on writing.


I slept until 6:20 this morning which is some sort of miracle.  I've been waking up dismayingly early. It may have been aided by benadryl.


Little things add up.

(Also I'm reading a really good book.)


Janeal said...

Yes, job interviews are terribly humbling. I had a dozen interviews before I was finally hired as a first grade teacher in Alpine District. I came away from some of those interviews feeling like I nailed it==there was no way I would NOT get the job! Only to receive a rejection email a few days later. In a few cases I felt like they already knew who they would hire, my interview was just a formality--so frustrating! But finally I got my dream job and all those awful interviews are long in the past. I am finishing my fifth year of teaching, and I truly love it. I enjoy reading about your journey to become a teacher, mainly because it is very similar to my own. I was a stay-at-home mom until my children were older, and my teaching license had expired years before. It was a BIG job to renew, and to find a teaching position, it took me two years. But it was all worth it. Hang in there! I wish you much luck and blessings!

Olivia Cobian said...

It sounds like your little buddy has come a long way in the writing department. Good work!


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