
Friday, May 3, 2019

Grateful Friday

OK Marianne.  I hear you.

And I woke up early so I decided I had time for a quick blog post.

I have so much to be grateful for and I'd love to get it down in this record of sorts.

Women's Conference has been just what I needed.  One day down and another to go and I woke up happy with the realization that I'm going back.

I loved being with Emma.  The older the better is my relationship with that girl.  We had lunch together and told each other about the separate classes we had attended and I loved her insights.  I loved being with my aunt Olivia and cousin Hannah.  We didn't spend a lot of time together during the day but after the last session I went back with them to their dorm and Olivia and Hannah sat on one bed and I sat on the other and we talked.  My sister Olivia came in and asked if we were going to dinner or should she take a nap.  I said, "We can go to dinner.  I'm just getting some free therapy here."

Because sitting there talking to those good women felt that way.

I loved being with Olivia and her mini me, Lili.  I spent most of the day with them.  There is such a comfortable ease with sisters (and sisters' daughters).  There's nothing like it.  We talked together and walked together and shopped together and laughed together and cried together and sewed "courage capes" together which was one of the service projects you could do while you watched.

We finally went to dinner and Adam joined us (he was my ride because Emma left early to go to work).  That only made everything better.

My joy was full.

More than all of that, I loved feeling the Spirit and hearing words of truth that spoke to my soul.  I felt comforted and empowered and like I had a new perspective on everything.  I'm grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It means the world to me.


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