
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Five lists

Five things I'm tired of:

- wearing layers

- wearing socks and shoes

- the presidential election

- Facebook

- whiny children

Five things I miss:

- complaining about the heat

- being barefoot on grass

- warm evenings on the deck

- having all my children home

- walking with my friends

Five things I'm looking forward to:

- summer (clearly I have spring fever)

- getting some things spiffed up in our house

- BYU Women's Conference

- reading more books

- trips I'm daydreaming about

Five things I like about every day:

- reuniting with Adam and Mark

- overnight oats every morning for breakfast

- read aloud time

- chatting with fellow teachers

- texting my children

Five things I will remember fondly about this time in my life:

- being around school children

- hugging Mark

- Sundays with my college kids

- going to concerts at BYU and performances at PGHS

- free tickets to the Hale Theater


Mark Dahl said...

How do you do your overnight oats. I'd be interested in that. Your mom

Edgar Cobian said...

I love your lists! I love you too!


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