
Friday, February 14, 2020

Grateful Friday

Today I'm grateful for the people I love + glad it's Valentine's Day because any holiday that includes red is a winner.

I love my friends.  I always think of my BYU roommate Erin on Valentine's Day. (Happy Birthday Erin!)  It was a blessing in my life to be assigned to her.  I am grateful for a lifetime of good friends who have moved in and out of my life and most especially for those who have stayed.  Having friends you can pick up with after time and distance is one of the great gifts of life.

I love my students.  They aggravate but also delight me.  Yesterday I was teaching them about tides which was sort of mind blowing for them.  And they wondered if the moon used "the force."

Yes.  Yes, it does.  If by the force you mean gravity.

I love my family.  Because of Mark's play, I've been shown firsthand the love and support we have on that front.  Geri is here right now and Mark ran straight to her after the show last night.

(It was another sell out crowd and I cried and I loved it and those songs are in my head like a curse.)

I love our kids (and that includes our family expansion pack, Anna).  They are turning into these grown up people who I love to spend time with and who impress me with what they know as they pursue their passions in life.

I love my Valentine.  He brought me tulips last night.  He knows how to make me laugh and how to make me feel loved.  He knows how to bring me back to reality when I am anxiously spiraling and he knows what I need before I do sometimes (like when he orders food for me that I didn't know I wanted).

I love that sometimes he just squeezes my hand and it communicates sentences.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Olivia Cobian said...

What a beautiful post!

Gwilliam Fam said...
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Gwilliam Fam said...

Awe...a shout out in your blog...I feel famous!


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