
Thursday, February 6, 2020


It isn't that often that my kids really need me it seems (I mean lately--for awhile there, I was keeping them alive), but yesterday, I had to pull up my mom boots and report for duty.

I left work around 4:45 and got home at 8:00.

I stopped by the grocery store on the way home and Adam called.  While we were talking, Mark texted that he was throwing up.

He had been sick with a bad sore throat and just general exhaustion that we chalked up to being in a musical that is trying to kill him--besides him dying with all the other revolutionaries every show.

Throwing up on top of the rest sounded like strep throat to me.  I swung by the school and got him.  The night before opening night it's not easy to get someone out of rehearsal, I don't care who you are.

But I squared my shoulders and played my mom card.  I drove him straight to the walk in clinic.  He threw up twice in the waiting room which you would think would help you jump the line but only caused them to keep handing us little bags for him to throw up in.

After a very long wait while he took a little nap on the bed in the exam room and I read the New York Times on my phone and scrolled Facebook and thought for not the first time that I should always have a book with me, we were released with an antibiotic prescription.  I dropped him off at home and went to the grocery store to get sick food for him.  I quizzed him about what he wanted to eat (he had to eat something with the medicine) and the only thing I could get him to commit to were jello and french bread and bananas.

And he doesn't even like bananas.

I went to the grocery store and got everything (including bananas) and also some chicken soup and popsicles and Cinnamon Toast Crunch which I never buy, but my baby is sick.

(I bought the store brand of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  I mean, I love the kid but I'm still cheap.)

When Adam got home from his young men activity, we made sure Mark was tucked in with extra Capri Suns in case his blood sugar went low and our eye on his monitor in case it went high.  We went to the school to get his car and at 9:00, they were still there, rehearsing.

I can't tell you how glad I was that my Mark was home in bed.  I hope the antibiotics do the trick and he'll be feeling better for opening night!


Marianne said...

So sorry he's sick!

Olivia Cobian said...

Poor boy! I hope he feels better very soon.


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