
Tuesday, January 16, 2024



Being Empty Nesters again is a good time, even when we just do mundane things.  

Yesterday we went to World Market and browsed around and only bought some hand soap and a birthday present for Jamie (that Adam picked out--he knows me).  We had lunch at Five Guys and marveled about a doppelgänger couple of some people in our ward at a table across the room.  Adam said, "That's creepy."

I said I wasn't sure it was creepy; it was remarkable.

We delivered a chair and some computer monitors to Emma.  I love going to her apartment.  It is very cute and she clearly loves it.  Happy children is just about the happiest thing you can have.

From there we went to The World's Biggest Costco (I'm pretty sure we're the only ones who call it that).  It was less about being efficient and more about seeing everything.  I guess you could say we got our steps in.  We really only needed gf pizza but we left with a cartful, like you do.

Across the street was Ashley Furniture and why not stop by when you're not exactly in the market for new furniture? 

"Is this going to be a place where people talk to you?" Adam said with dread.

I'm the introvert who detests small talk with strangers and Adam could happily find out about all their hopes and dreams. He hates talking to pushy salespeople and they don't really bother me.  If my mouth doesn't say it, my body language does and they usually leave me alone pretty quickly.

We sat on lots of couches.  And critiqued lots of other couches.  I am on a quest to have Adam get a big squashy recliner and he doesn't want one. (Actually I probably don't either, but at this point I can't give up.)

We talked to Braeden and Scott on the drive home.  It was just a nice day.  We were together and that is the best kind.

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