
Friday, March 8, 2024

Grateful Friday

I didn't not become a teacher so I could do little art projects along the way.

We're having a contest at school decorating eggs.  Each class was given an egg on cardstock to decorate and each teacher was given a tiny wooden egg to decorate.

Here is my class's egg (every student made thumbprint flowers) and my little Mondrian inspired egg:

I loved how excited my students were about the project.  I told them about my idea and they oohed and aahed like the great audience they are.  I told them I'd order the ink from Amazon and they asked me multiple times a day if it had arrived. 

No.  It is supposed to arrive Thursday.

A few hours later...

Is the ink here yet?

When it was ink time, I teased some of them, "Now if you mess up, it will ruin the egg for everyone."

To others, I said, "I will help you, don't worry."  And I guided their little thumbs. 

I love this time of year when I know my students well and I know who likes to be teased and who needs to be encouraged and literally have their hand held.

I also love how much they love Ramona!  We finished Beezus and Ramona yesterday.  I told them, "Tomorrow we will start Ramona the Pest.  It is one year later and from Ramona's point of view."

They wanted me to start right away.

I am grateful I get to be a teacher.  I really love it, even when it is hard.

The children are so sweet and cute and maddening and lovable.

Yesterday a girl asked me if she could move desks and sit by her friend.  I said, "No.  You will be too chatty."

She argued, "I'm chatty where I am now."

I said, "I know.  Moving you by your friend won't help!"

Also, on the way to lunch yesterday, my sweetest boy in the universe asked me what I wanted for my birthday.  I said, "My favorite thing is something someone makes.  I want a picture or a note or maybe some folded origami."

He got a small smile on his face and said, "OK, OK."

When the sweetest boy in the universe wants to give you a birthday present, you know you have a pretty great job!


Marianne said...

I couldn't have been an elementary teacher just because of those art projects. It's beautiful!

Olivia Cobian said...

I love the class egg and your teacher egg! I can't wait to hear the results of the contest!


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