
Friday, March 29, 2024

Grateful Friday

Hurrah for Spring Break!  It feels really busy thinking through preparations for two different trips, but I know once we are out there spring breaking, it will be very nice.  And I'm also looking forward to next weekend, when we have a weekend at home with General Conference.

Today we're having a little "reading party" at school which consists of all the leftover Easter candy I enthusiastically bought for the YM/YW on Wednesday and silent reading time.  Also, I will finish reading Ramona the Pest to them.

(Speaking of reading Ramona, Jamie said she almost asked my class the other day if I was behaving myself, but thought it was better to let them forget.  Yes!  We will never speak of that again!)

Here's what else I'm grateful for today:

My sweet boy brought me a little travel sized pack of Kleenex yesterday so I wouldn't "have to walk all the way across the room for Kleenex."  My eyes are still on the allergy struggle bus.  My classroom isn't that big/the Kleenex isn't that far away, but he is the kindest boy in the world.

Another sweet boy made it to the garbage to throw up yesterday.  When Riley came to empty the garbage, I said, "He made it to the garbage!  That is a win!"

Riley said, "I will take that any day."  Elementary school custodial work is not for the faint of heart.

When they were working on their computers a sweet girl who very often says, "Oopsie Daisy!" or "Doodles!" when she is flummoxed was humming "Praise to the Man" for all she was worth.

Another girl made this for me for my birthday.  (Red, because they know that is my favorite.)  It delights me every time I see it.  Some people have their framed diplomas on the wall.  This is my credential:

I love these kids.

We met after school to plan and the coaches joined us and often that turns into laughing more than planning, but we plan a little.  We have perimeter coming up and Jamie said, "I can't remember the perimeter song I wrote, but I've just written a new one."

Because in addition to everything else she is so good at, she can write a perimeter song, twice.

It was to the tune of "O Christmas Tree" and I may have it in my head until next Christmas.

At the end of the meeting, they asked, "Is there anything else we can do to support you?"

I said, "Now that we have the Perimeter Song, I don't think we'll ever need anything else again.

I mean, what more can you want?

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

What's a perimeter song? Is it to teach your students how to find perimeter?


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