
Friday, June 21, 2024

Grateful Friday

Adam took this picture last night and I think it was after the best of the sunset was over.  Still so pretty!

Yesterday Marianne called me and asked how I was doing.  I said, "I have the mopes!"

She said, "Because you are here but aren't seeing any of us?"

I said, "Yes!"

Out of an abundance of caution, we don't want to disrupt Braeden and Anna and QE's trip by exposing them to any illness, so we are staying away.


We are still having a nice time and I feel grateful to be here.

Yesterday I worked a bit on my degree and Adam and I went to Elko.  Our goal was to get a vial to test our water, but they were closed because Juneteenth had thrown off their week.  We did get the vial but can't take the water back any time soon.  Baby steps though.  It's ALL about baby steps around here.

We ran a few errands for my mom and got more groceries for us in line with our new plans.

We got the peanut butter Adam likes because we only have the peanut butter here that I like.  Things like that.

As ever, I enjoyed being with Adam.  We are getting to know Elko.  It is different than the Elko I grew up with but we're figuring it out.  The lady we talked to about getting our water tested said that there were two other companies that test water that are in the terraces.  We nodded like we knew where the terraces are.

We don't.

At all.

But we know a lot of locals.

Adam and I worked on our computers when we got home, then he went to mow some more and I did a little trimming and weeding.  I made about an eight foot length of ground bordering the house look pretty good.  I told Adam if we were here all the time, I think we could really make a dent!

But we're not here, so we do what we can.

We ate dinner and played Phase 10 and watched the trailers for several PBS shows (PBS is our jam) that look good, but after every one Adam would tell me how long it was and I would say, "I'm too tired."

We ended up watching an episode of Frasier because old shows are also our jam.  The only new shows we have any interest in are baking shows and Abbott Elementary.  

I'm glad we have each other.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how people are really the thing that matters most.  It is our relationships that make our life better.

I am grateful for the impact of people I don't even know.  A reader of my blog, also a teacher, left a comment the other day that she got her Curriculum and Instruction Master's Degree from WGU a few years ago and she sent me encouragement.  (Thanks Janeal!)  Her kindness matters.

Stephanie sent me this picture the other day.  She said, "You look like the prom queen!"

I very much don't but it was a very Stephanie thing to say and I love her.

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