
Friday, June 7, 2024

Always an adventure

Yesterday was a really nice day.  I took a walk with Marianne and Olivia and our mom first thing in the morning.  I was standing outside waiting for them and I saw a bobcat by the barn.  I took several pictures of it and it stopped and stared at me and I stared back at it and then it finally ran away.  I am not sure who the apex predator was in that situation.

I don't think animals around here are used to people.  The night before when Adam and I were driving on the lane we came across a badger waddling down the road.  We followed it for a little while because it was in the middle of the road with zero urgency to move.  

Badgers are ugly.

Back to the morning, we had a lovely walk.  We surveyed how high the two Boulder Creeks are and Marianne crawled out on the culvert to loosen a branch that was lodged in the very swift current despite us telling her not to (typical oldest sister, ready to fix things) and then Olivia crawled out on the other culvert to try to get a branch lodged there (typical youngest sister disobeying the middle sister who was telling her not to).

(Later my dad told them not to.  He said, "If you slipped you would die.  Don't do that."  His words have always carried infinite more weight than mine.)

We had a painter come to give us an estimate on treating our logs.  He is not a native English speaker and I knew we could communicate better in Spanish so Olivia was kind enough to come over and translate for us.  She's amazing.  What a great skill she has!

The painter seemed enamored by the pretty spot and said that it would be "a pleasure" to stay here while he was painting instead of driving back and forth from town.  He said he could work more each day.

Be that as it may, that was a no.  We thought that was a weird thing to say!

I buckled down and made some good progress on my course and then in the late afternoon I took my embroidery (working on the quilt block for Carolina's graduation quilt) and went to visit my parents.  After a while I went to Olivia's to help her quilt.  Just going around the neighborhood stitching, I guess.

In the evening Adam and I went to Wells for Carolina's graduation.  I don't know where Robert was so I didn't get the iconic graduate and their parents shot, but here is Marianne with her sparkly girl.

Carolina painted this on her hat, of course she did.

Because there is 100% always something wacky to happen around here, last night when we were about to go to bed, Adam noticed a swarm of teeny tiny bugs in the bathroom.  It was sprinkling outside and we had the windows open, enjoying the cool breezes coming through the house.  The bugs were little enough to get through the screens and there were so many of them!  Hundreds!  I don't know if they had just hatched or what but it was crazy.  Adam got our trusty Dyson vacuum that has vacuumed up more insects than you would think possible.  We closed the door to contain the crazy and Adam circled the room several times, sucking up tiny bugs.  They didn't go anywhere else in the house because we closed the door and kept the rest of the lights off until we were rid of them.

In related news: we closed the windows.

It's always a low key adventure.  Some people sky dive, some people buy a cabin.

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