
Thursday, June 20, 2024


We are back in the land of the setting sun.  It is so nice to be here!  All of our Nevada family is either sick or has been sick so we are having to alter our plans and I feel disappointed that we won't spend as much time with everyone as I was wanting, but we don't want to make Braeden's family sick!  We briefly visited my parents before we took things seriously so we'll know by tomorrow if we're going to get sick too.

Nothing like reading up on the internet and feeling like you're suddenly the expert.

In the meantime, I'll just enjoy my happy little spot.

I love the way the summer afternoon light mellows the logs.  I took these pictures yesterday.

The chubby cookie jar and the mixer are from my grandma.  The fact that the mixer is a lamp is my brilliant dad's doing.  I love this little place!

The mock orange is blooming outside the kitchen window while I was washing dishes last night.  A butterfly and fat bumblebee danced around the flowers and it made me very happy.

I hung up my paintings (and I painted another one while Adam was in Phoenix.  This is who I am now I guess).

When Emma saw my latest painting, in her clever with words way said, "Soon the ThelMoMA will be complete."

So here are three exhibits in my museum of modern art.

This is in our bedroom:

This is in the little hall on the way to our room:

This is at the end of the main hall:


Mark Dahl said...

I like your paintings and I love you. Good to have you here even though we can't see you right now.

Olivia Cobian said...

I love this latest painting! You talented dear, you!


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