
Monday, June 10, 2024


Saturday was a productive day, which is my favorite kind (my uberproductive parents raised me after all).  I took a walk with the ladies and mostly kept my nose to the WGU grindstone.  I made good progress and stopped for a break in the middle to embroider at Olivia's.  Adam worked outside all day.  He and Nikki installed the Starlink on the roof and he mowed and set up some sprinklers and repaired his lawnmower and then mowed some more.  (The lawn is a bit of a minefield sometimes.)

After dinner we went to Olivia's and my mom and Marianne and Olivia quilted, I embroidered and the men visited with us.  Hyrum and Clarissa came after a trip to urgent care.  Hyrum had an accident with a horse and oldest sister for the win took him to the doctor.  

He has a hurt knee and was on crutches and we all had lots of unsolicited advice for him which I am sure he appreciated....

Sunday morning I drove over to my parents' house to borrow a safety pin for my dress.  It's nice to have people who have stuff when you realize how spartan your house is.   I decided I need a little sewing kit.

Church was really good and I always enjoy being there.  So much of my life was formed there.  A lot of the people who influenced me are no longer around, but I still remember them and their influence.

At the end of Relief Society, the lady conducting asked Olivia Dahl to say the closing prayer.  Olivia Cobian and Olivia Anderson both said, "Me?"  It delighted me.  The lady conducting wasn't around when either Olivia was Olivia Dahl, but I'm glad we're all linked.

Adam and I had a restful afternoon.  We talked to our kids and I did a tiny bit of Family History and Adam caught up on church stuff.  It was so nice to have him home on a Sunday!  At 4:00, we convened at Olivia's for more visiting and Hannah and Aunt Olivia came too.  I love being part of that group!  We talked about everything from Broadway plays to the temple.  

Today Adam and I are going to work work work around here and then in the late afternoon head back to Utah.  I feel a little melancholy about it.  It has been so nice to be here.

We'll be back! 


Marianne said...

I'm so glad!

Mark Dahl said...

You'd better be back!

Olivia Cobian said...

The quilt (& I) are ready for you to come around anytime!

Olivia Cobian said...

The quilt (& I) look forward to your return!

Olivia Cobian said...

I thought the first comment did not get published.


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