
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Nose to the grindstone

Yesterday I worked on my course in the morning and went to school in the afternoon to collaborate with my team.

I have a feeling my blog is not going to be all that interesting this summer because most days will be:  worked on my course.  It's going to be an un-fun summer mostly, but with a few bright spots.

I like our new team.  We get along well and everyone has ideas and we are efficient and I wasn't even cranky yesterday.

Riley and Matt came in and I talked to them about the blinds closed situation and Matt said I could keep them open.  That made me happy.  I need sunshine in order to maintain my sunny disposition.

We talked about shooter scenarios (which is why the blinds open or closed thing is a debate.  Riley didn't seem to think it was an issue and I said, "Teachers think about these things!"

And it's true.  One of the first things Alissa thought through with her new classroom was where to hide.

We know it probably won't happen, but we also know it might happen.  We know that the best plan we have won't really be 100% safe.

We have to think it through anyway.

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