
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

These are the days

These are the days of not being sure what day it even is.

These are the days of having a hair appointment.  Joelyn and I keep our phones handy while she works because we tell each other podcasts to listen to, books to read, shows to watch and we make notes for ourselves on our phones.

These are the days of hearing about her straight up wacky book club and comparing notes on our (exceptional) granddaughters.

These are the days of not making as much progress as I would like on my course yesterday.  Some days are harder than others and I know on the one hand that it is an actual masters degree and I shouldn't expect it to be easy and on the other (less rational) hand I feel frustrated because I want to zip through it.

These are the days of Adam being out of town.

These are the days of planning my whole week of eating around cottage cheese because I am the only one who likes cottage cheese so I will eat it while I'm home alone.  I bought three kinds of berries and bananas--all excellent cottage cheese accompaniments.  

These are the days of forgetting cottage cheese while grocery shopping.

These are the days of Emma creating a containment for her Roomba with a lot of books (and her guitar) as borders.  She could just vacuum, but she said, "There's something fun about watching the Roomba in its little containment."  Braeden calls foul because he thinks we say he needs to pay attention, but we say Emma has a rich inner life.  But that girl has a rich inner life. 

These are the days of still not being totally unpacked from Nevada.  

These are the days of hoping today is more productive.

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