
Friday, August 9, 2024

Grateful Friday

 (Erin, I will think of you every time I write these.  I love you, friend!)

Frankly, I'm grateful I survived the week!

It was not an easy week.  I worked very hard though and I feel like 1) I still have a mountain to climb but, 2) I can see the top.

I'm hoping the next days are as productive as the last few have been and that I'm all ready for my class!  I'm excited and getting more and more excited as things are shaping up.  Every once in a while I log into Skyward and look at pictures of my students.  I am trying to learn names, but I also just think they are cute!

I'm grateful I got to go to a play with Janelle last night.  It felt like not the best timing because I was exhausted, but friends are always worthwhile and plays usually are too.  We saw Fiddler on the Roof at the Scera Outdoor Theater and it was wonderful!  We talked nonstop on the way there (she picked me up in her new car!), before the show began, through the intermission and all the way home.  I got home late and I'm feeling it this morning, but it was worth it.

I'm grateful for the myriad ways Hyrum is helping us.  We hired him to wash and stain our house in Nevada and the kid got more than he bargained for because he also emptied some mousetraps.  Where are they getting in?!?  Why?!?

I'm grateful my dad got us a pressure washer for Hyrum to use since ours gave up the ghost and my accountant mother sent me the sales tax rate along with the receipt like I was ever going to question her on that one.

Just tell me what I owe and I don't want to do math.

It takes a village to help us with that place and I have a pretty terrific village!

I'm grateful for this happy corner in this happy place:

Ignore the jumble of chairs, but I have the new Battle of the Books books in place and my August picture books and the books in the square shelves are all labeled and organized by genre and the whole thing delights me.

Books!  I'm grateful for books!


Marianne said...

Your classroom looks amazing!

Mark Dahl said...

Makes me wish I were a 3rd grader.


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