
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I just don't understand

 While typing this, magpies are flying by my window and landing on the roof and generally making a racket.  I wondered what you would call a group of magpies.

The internet was inconclusive.

It is one of these:  conventicle, gulp, mischief, tidings, tiding, tribe, charm, tittering, congregation, parliament, or flock.

I think the internet needs to get itself together.

Another thing I don't understand:  yesterday a student came in from lunch recess, asking to go to the wellness room.  I said, "What's wrong?"  (I have a certain bar for the wellness room.). She said, "My grandma died."

I said, "During recess?"

She said, "Yes, my mom texted me."

I doubted that was true, but she was wearing what resembled a smart watch and I have no idea if her mom could text her or would be misguided enough to text that particular message during the middle of lunch recess.

The wellness room was closed and she forgot all about it...until after afternoon recess.  She said, "Now can I go?"

I said, "I think you're fine."

And she was.

My biggest puzzler of the day:  Emma texted in the morning that she was blocked in by construction trucks, including a crane, in her apartment parking lot and was trying to leave for work.

I texted, "Get out and talk to one of them."

She texted, "I would rather get hit by a crane."

This is the same girl who her brothers have a healthy fear of and who famously, in our family lore, stood her ground when a Russian lady was trying to cut the line at the airport in Paris.  This is my independent girl who does what she wants thank you very much.

She is not fearful.

I texted her as much.

She got out of the car and talked to someone and they moved and all was well.

I guess sometimes you need your mom to remind you that you aren't afraid.


Olivia Cobian said...

Good job, Emma! The aftermath is likely much tidier than getting hit by a crane!

Mark Dahl said...

Go Emma!


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