
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Moving furniture and misplacing children

 Adam returned from California!  I was happy to see that kid.  I loved hearing about his adventures with QE and also a little jealous.  He took her to stores and to the park and to Mr. Pickles (a sandwich shop in town that we love) and swimming at Nana and Papa's hotel.

He told me about their new apartment set up and it sounds good.  He said that he had learned from me and he had to remind Braeden to give Anna a minute to decide and be willing to move furniture again.

I feel like Braeden shouldn't have needed that reminder, particularly from Adam.  Adam hardly ever has been around for my furniture moving and Braeden has been a lot.

I'm glad they got it all set up to the lady of the house's specifications, though.

I've done nothing if not train my boys to move furniture.

I moved a little furniture of my own yesterday.

I relocated my rug to the side of the room and moved a table and every desk.

They'll be floored when they return--or they'll be like Adam when he used to come home from London and not always notice immediately.

Either way, I'm happy with the change.

For now.

Yesterday was not all roses though.  I told my team the story so if they ever felt like a bad teacher, they could remember this anecdote.

We had MAZE testing yesterday which is a new format for both us and the students.  It's way more difficult to proctor than the old test it is replacing, so that's fun.

Holly was in my room being my fellow proctor and we kept running into trouble.  I left the room twice to go find Jamie with a question.  My students asked, "Who is in charge?"

I said, "Mrs. Thornton."

Felt obvious, but nothing is actually obvious with third graders.

We finally got to the point that it was working for everyone except two students.  Gesturing to my classroom library in the corner, I said, "You go to the library and play Prodigy or go on Epic and everyone else will do the test."

So we did the test and it was stressful and all encompassing.

After that was all over, those two kids were gone, but I figured Jamie (who knew their log in hadn't worked) had come for them to test them in her office without me noticing because of the stressful and all encompassing testing.

We eventually lined up for lunch.

(Friends, I didn't realize those two students weren't with us.)

I was a full 15 minutes into lunch when my two came back with their computers.

I said, "Wow!  Did the test take that long?"

They looked confused.

I said, "Were you in Mrs. Riddle's office?"

They looked further confused.

I said, "Where did you go to take the test?"

The boy, finally mustered some courage and said, " told us to go to the library?  To play Prodigy or Epic?"

I said, "I meant the classroom library!"

They hadn't been taking the test at all.  They had been in the library and...their teacher had not noticed.

I hurried them off to the lunchroom and I said to tell the lunch ladies there had been a mixup.

They forgave me and we got through another Wacky Wednesday.  The most expected thing to happen in that building is something unexpected!


Anonymous said...


Olivia Cobian said...

You teachers earn every cent you get!


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