
Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 My team said, “Don’t stay too long…” when they left.  

But I had to stay at least long enough to stop hyperventilating. (My teammates have been in their classrooms for weeks and I...haven't.)

Turns out I have a lot to do.  Like, a lot.

Changes in our curriculum, major changes in my schedule to wrap my brain around, a different way of doing makes my head spin.

I have been overly focused on…you know…getting a master’s degree.

Oh boy.

Braeden called me.  He said, “I am stressed about something.”

I said, “Same.”

He told me his and I told him mine (I am not waving, I am drowning was pretty much the gist). 

He said, “Well I am at Walmart, so I should go.  I am glad we have each other to tell our woes to.”

I said, “Same.”


Marianne said...

Cheering for you!!

Mark Dahl said...

You will conquer it all, Thelma. I believe in you!

Olivia Cobian said...

Keep on keeping on! Good luck with all the things. Love you!


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