
Monday, August 5, 2024


 I went to my classroom on Friday!  I dropped off a bunch of stuff since I was there meeting with Matt anyway.  I walked down the hall.  I noticed that Alissa had made a lot of progress in her classroom. I got to my door and realized, I have a window in my door!

It didn't occur to me as I was walking down the hall that all the classrooms now have windows.  For example, how did I know that Alissa had made a lot of progress in her classroom?  I could see through her window.

I'm not thrilled about the window because it makes it easier for shooters to see inside.

I'm not thrilled about the fact that that was my first thought.

Matt 1) assures me how rare school shootings are and 2) told me he is going to get us blinds that we can lower quickly.

Sometimes I wonder what it is like to be the boss of almost all women who are mostly high strung and slightly...dramatic.

He's a hero.

I went over my research questions with him, because I wanted his advice.  Explaining them to him and Braeden and Adam has been good for me because they all had questions and it helped me articulate what I'm doing and why.  (All three of them are kind, but not going to write a blank check of encouragement on something like that.  You have to earn their stamp of approval.) 

I told him about Braeden bailing me out with statistics and he said it was great that children can end up to be so helpful--his are still tweens, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel!

I am getting a new school computer and I needed to grab my old school computer to take it home and clear everything off of it.  It was in a drawer behind all of this.

When they cleaned the floor, they shoved everything over to one side and it gave me a whole sinking feeling about what I need to do to set up my classroom.  I dug in it enough to find my computer.  It was still morning and 81 degrees in my classroom because the AC isn't on so I left it as is and will hope for AC today.

In other news, It is wedding season!

We went to a wedding reception Friday night for a member of our ward.  We went to a wedding reception Saturday night, our anniversary was yesterday, today is Desi and Mason's anniversary, tomorrow is Braeden and Anna's anniversary plus we are going to another wedding reception for ward members and Wednesday is my parents' anniversary!

What is it about early August?

Saturday Adam went to a baptism and I stayed home and researched stain for log homes, like I never thought I would do in my entire life.

When he got back, we were discussing my findings as well as his from earlier research and we discovered there was a store in Heber City where you could buy the stuff we were thinking we needed.  Adam said, "I really wish I could talk to someone about it."

It was 10:45 and they closed at noon on Saturday.  Adam was still wearing his suit and I said, "Hurry and change and then let's go!"

Adam and his spontaneity is having serious repercussions on my personality.

We hightailed it to Heber City.  I said, "I should have driven." (Because I am a faster driver, considering that speed limits are mostly suggestions.)

Adam was a champ though and we got there about 11:40.  We talked to a super helpful guy and it was worth the trip.

Especially since we had lunch at Dairy Keen.

We stopped at the grocery store on the way home and then I spent the rest of the afternoon deadening my soul dealing with the many downloads on my computer.  I'm super bad at digital organization.  It is a hot mess and when you need to clean things up for a new computer, there is a piper who wants to be paid.

Braeden distracted me by asking our family group chat what food we want at our funerals because he and Anna are helping to plan one in their ward and they have been talking about it.

Adam wants to be cremated and then to have BBQ, in keeping with the theme.

I said I wanted it to be easy, ham and salads.  Unless it is a tragic death, then I think comfort food.  Emma weighed in that they would serve corn dogs at my funeral (which they have been threatening for years) and that we might as well have a seafood boil and cilantro at her funeral since she hates that.

I just didn't want you to think that we are wasting time in our family group chat.

(Mark didn't respond at all in a surprise to exactly no one, but he is the youngest so I hope he was taking notes.)

We went to Erin's daughter's reception.  The bride was beautiful and the venue was great!  Why in the world we had an outdoor reception for Braeden and Anna is beyond me.  We could have done better!

I loved seeing Erin!  She sat and visited with us for a while.  She introduced me to her kids.  My mom has introduced me to her college roommates over the years and I have had a mostly tepid response. 

As I get older, I realize just how key my college friends are in my entire life.  (Especially the one I married.)

Erin came over for lunch on Sunday and it was wonderful.  Adam was still "bishoping" and the two of us had lunch and talked and talked.  We laughed and cried together and it is just encouraging and wonderful to have such a dear friend in the world.  The computer matched us up as roommates 33 years ago.

And I have to say the computer did a really good job.

We talked about parenting and families and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Adam got home and sat and talked with us a little while too.

The topic turned to our wedding anniversary and Erin got to the bottom of Adam and my relationship leading up to our marriage because she was on her mission and missed it.

Even though we hadn't seen each other for years, it was as if it had just been a Christmas vacation and we were catching up on all the things across our dorm room.

I love that girl!

Adam and I had a whole plan to go to Salt Lake and have dinner at Emma's and Emma and Mark were going to go to the YSA devotional with Elder Uchtdorf.  

Mark had gone to a BBQ the night before at a new friend's house from work and he must have been glutened (I'm calling it a verb) because he was very sick and throwing up.

It made me feel so sad and frustrated because it had been such a good plan!

Emma ended up coming over for dinner here instead and we watched the devotional together and it was marvelous.  It was just the shot in the arm I needed.  

Between Erin and Elder Uchtdorf, I'm ready to conquer the week!


Marianne said...

This was delightful but I was hoping for a picture of you and Erin or the reception or something... Is this the complaint department ?

Olivia Cobian said...

I'm so glad you got to catch up with Erin. She was always so kind to me!

Gwilliam Fam said...

How did we not even think about a picture?! Idk, but it was AMAZING to catch up on life. So grateful Thelma and I were paired and that I was introduced to the amazing Dahl fam!!!

Gwilliam Fam said...

I have so many fun memories of our trips to your home! You were so funny and witty, and I still think of some of the ways you cracked me up. (Like calling the 1-800 numbers on the back of trucks to gush about the truckers driving or writing a sassy letter to some women's advertising company about their edgy add.) Sure love your family!


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