
Monday, August 12, 2024


 Friday we had faculty pictures (which I hate), but we were instructed to dress like the 80s.  If I'd wanted to dress like someone my age in the 80s I would have worn some shoulder pads, but I wore jeans (which I pegged) and an MTV shirt I found on Amazon.

My hair can easily transform to the 80s.  I put it in a half pony tail on the top of my head that stood straight up.  

I wore my Swatch.

Jamie had scrunchies to share and I snagged a purple one to match my shirt.  She also had jelly bracelets and I taught her how to wear them interlocking which I hadn't done since about 8th grade.  Tiffany, who's also the age of Jamie and me and her hair was amazing.  With enough hairspray, we really did achieve greatness in the 80s.

Some of the younger teachers were mystified by us.  Jamie showed me her brand new Swatch which she bought to work in the temple (it's completely white).  One of the young teachers said, "So what is a Swatch?  Is that a smart watch?"

Oh no, no, no.

I showed her mine and told her about Swatch guards and how they pretty much rendered the watch unusable since you couldn't see the time that well.

My team leaned into our height and I sat in a chair and Alissa stood behind me and Miriam stood behind her and we all rested our chins on our hands because the brief was to do awkward JCPenney portrait studio team photos.

I know my sisters are going to ask for a picture and I don't have one and also I hate faculty pictures so I won't post one.

It's bad enough it has to hang in the hall.

Besides the frivolity of faculty pictures, it was a WORK day.  There was a lot of tension in the air and energy.

At 3:00 we were supposed to do a team building exercise of laser tag.  My entire team wanted to stay at the school and work.  We're all very much work before play type people.

We thought we had to go.

Then they made the announcement, "If you want to go to laser tag, meet in front of the office for carpooling."

My teammates and I cocked our heads to the side, "Did they say if you want?"

Yep, we didn't have to go, so we didn't.

If you know firsthand how people dressed in the 80s, maybe you don't want to go play laser tag. (Except Jamie did, so I don't know.  I wasn't that much fun in the 80s either.)

Saturday I did five loads of laundry--I know, there are only two of us, but I was behind.

We went to my classroom and I did a few things and Adam fixed my email and my Elmo camera.  

We did errands and I did things like water the plants and I even cracked open my WGU course.  A little.  My momentum has definitely stopped, but I am keeping my toes dipped in.

Sunday I missed being in Nevada with the rest of the family to listen to Morgan speak in church and celebrate his return from his mission.

I was very happy to be able to hear a recording of his talk.  What an inspirational and sweet boy he is!  I'm grateful he is part of our family.

Church was good though and I got to do some family history with Marie Louise and that is always time well spent.

I had one notebook where I was keeping her family and another where I was keeping my family and I got them mixed up.  I was trying to unravel it and Marie Louise said that she loved that they were mixed up.  She considers her family mine too since I have helped her with her family history.  So we were just like Bob Ross and considered it a happy little accident.

Mark was our only dinner guest, but we were happy to have him.  


Mark Dahl said...

Not only your sisters want the photo. Your mom does too.

Olivia Cobian said...

That is exactly what I was going to say: take a photo of that picture in the hall with your cell phone and text it to me! That sounds totally awesome!


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