
Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Cousin is a Little Bit of Childhood that Can't Be Lost

This is one of my favorite people:

It's my cousin Hannah.  I have a lot of favorite people who are cousins.  I recently learned that maybe I have a lot of cousins.  Adam and I were at a party and playing The Newlywed Game.  Adam had to answer how many cousins I have.  He guessed 40.  I actually have 50.  Most of the women had cousins in the 15-20 range.

How did I get so lucky?

Of course I like some of my cousins more than others (and I'll never tell which) but I digress:

My cousin Hannah.

She offered to let her blog devotees know about my shoe giveaway (again with the shoe giveaway) so I am doing the same.  You should check out her blog if you want to feel inspired by her creativity and charm.

If you want to feel intimidated and like she got all the energy in the world, you can consider that in addition to her artistic enterprising work, she also has twin toddlers and a baby girl.  She's amazing.


Olivia Cobian said...

Hannah's one of my favorites too. I got to see her yesterday.

Katie said...

Thanks for the link! I've just recently bought my first sewing machine and am slowly relearning how to sew. I'm always looking for inspiration, and her site has a lot of good ideas. Thanks!

Hannah Stevenson said...

Hey I never saw this one. Thanks Thelma! Just so you know you are right on the top of my list of favorites too. Love you and miss you everyday (because I read something from you everyday).


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