
Friday, July 28, 2023

Grateful Friday

 Good things that happened yesterday:

1. I am trying to cross a few more things off my list.  One of them was to go through this box of random mementos and photos that is in my closet.  Do I still want everything that is in there?  And what is even in there?

I found this program:

When we lived in New Haven, CT, our ward chartered a bus for us to go to a conference at Madison Square Gardens in NYC where President Hinckley was speaking.  I saved the program and Amy Carlson wrote her number on my program.

Amy (aka Anna's mom) and Mark had lived in our ward in Utah when we first got married.  We'd both eventually moved to Connecticut and we must have run into each other at Madison Square Gardens (which is kind of amazing by itself because that place is huge!).  We reconnected and probably promised to be in touch but never were.  Braeden was there with us so I'm pretty sure Anna was there too.  Did they give each other the side eye from their strollers?!?

I think it was probably a good thing we didn't maintain our relationship because if we had, maybe Braeden and Anna wouldn't have ended up together.  (It seems like kids never want to date the kids of their parents' friends.  Ask me how I know.)

So there's something for your gee whiz file!

2. I had lunch with Janelle!  It was so great to see her.  We stayed at the restaurant for 3 hours and talked about all the things.  I can't believe she won't be at work this year!  I will miss her.

3. While I was at lunch, I got a text from Miriam telling me that our class lists were available!  I have some good ones on my list (at least I love their older siblings).  I am excited for school to start!

I am grateful for my job I love and my friends I love and that Braeden and Anna ended up together!  I am grateful for this beautiful morning.  I'm sitting on the deck in the cool morning, listening to birds and sprinklers and there is not a cloud in the blue blue sky. What a happy world it is.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Did you keep the program? ;) That is so fun that you & the Carlsons were off & on in touch!


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