
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Not bad for my least favorite holiday

Mark wore his Tigger costume to school.  Before school I was singing him the song, "The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one."

Mark said, "It will be awkward if there's another Tigger."

He'll always be the only Tigger in my life.  Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun.


I loved seeing all the adorable costumes at school.  The kids were so proud and you had only to tell the girls they looked pretty and tell the boys, "Cool costume!" and there were smiles for days.

A little first grader, dressed as Harry Potter, paused shortly after the crosswalk on his way to school and waved his wand and yelled avada kedavra! toward no one in particular.  His brother, a third grader said, "You know you're not supposed to use that curse!"


Braeden and Emma sent me a picture of them in their costumes, of Bruiser with a decorated bowl, and Braeden sent me a video of him singing the Nevada State song.

I love my kids.


The aids were sent home after lunch.  They were having class parties and didn't need us.  I came home and was super productive.  Home + super productive is my love language.  I even ironed some linen napkins that had been languishing in the laundry room.


Something exciting happened in the evening but I will tell you about it tomorrow.  It deserves its own post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until tomorrow!!


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