
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

When nothing adds up to something

The other day Mark and I were talking about my blog.  He doesn't often read it, but he knows it's there.  And I think he thinks he is the star of the show over here on my blog.

We were talking about what it would be like for his children (and grandchildren?) to some day be able to read about him when he was five or twelve or sixteen.  Blogs are great because there isn't just one copy of the record and even if the house burns down, the blog is intact.  It's our family history and it's kind of dumb sometimes and wouldn't be interesting to anyone sometimes, but sometimes, it captures a moment in time that needed capturing.  Someday my children's children will know a little bit about their parents.

Mark said, "It's writing about nothing but it's something."

To that end, here are some pictures of Mark in his play.

Mark played Jerome, the lawyer of the lead, Frank

This is the shirt Braeden wanted to claim as his own. 
Here's Jerome, accosted by the press outside the courthouse

Here they're sending Frank on a cruise to get away from his rotten life (that he is responsible for making rotten)

During the finale, the cast was scattered in the audience, watching the sky for Sputnik.  Mark happened to be right by us.

A mother's happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.
 Honore de Balzac

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