
Monday, October 26, 2020


 So...I tested positive.  I couldn't believe it.  I kept reloading the website and entering my information again, hoping for a different result.

I feel really bad that I didn't know until Wednesday that I was sick.  I was tired and I didn't feel great but that's pretty much been my 40s.  

Covid is extra fun because in addition to getting sick, you get to majorly inconvenience your family and friends and coworkers.  Awesome.

At the same time, I recognize how fortunate I am.  It doesn't affect my employment (besides hassling everyone) and Adam can work from home and Mark can do his school work from home.  Also, I'm not deathly ill, which is a blessing.

I'm grateful for phone calls and texts and emails from dear ones who are cheering me on from afar.

For example, Emma:

Our college kids have to quarantine too and Desi who is quite literally one of the best people I know called.  She said, "So I have nothing to do today (she's a full time student, works, is Relief Society president and has a full social life so apparently she's also a liar!) and I was going to the grocery store anyway and then I was going to take a drive to Pleasant Grove anyway.  I was wondering if you'd like me to go to the store?"

We haven't really done a shopping trip since we returned from Florida so I texted her a list.  She doorbell ditched us and I sent her a Venmo.  She's terrific.  That is all.

I'm grateful not one of the people that I have inconvenienced (and possibly made sick) has made me feel like an inconvenience.

My parents called to check in Friday evening and I had just heard another round of tragic news.  A boy in Mark's class at school (and also in our stake) had died in a car crash when he was hit by someone driving under the influence.  On the heels of losing another man in our neighborhood, I sort of had a come apart.  I told my mom crying jags were maybe a heretofore unknown symptom of Covid.

There are some kind souls in Pleasant Grove who put lights on the mountain at different times.

One light represents Collin, and one represents Landon.

I came across this and it feels like the perfect thing right now.


Olivia Cobian said...

Thank you for honoring my request and putting that great quote on your blog. Love you!

Mark Dahl said...

Thank you for the great poem or quote or whatever it is. I shared it with Kathy. I hope it will help her.

Your mom


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