
Friday, October 30, 2020

Grateful Friday

 I'm grateful that Kate let me use some Halloween decorations so my class isn't completely sad sack.

I don't like Halloween and my students know it.  Two times the plug in jack-o-lantern that I have on my shelf has fallen on my head because the cord gets bumped and it is stretched to reach the outlet.

My students said the jack-o-lantern is trying to kill me because it knows I don't like Halloween.  But look at this:  I hung up some of Kate's stuff and I may eventually break down and get some of my own.

You can't be Halloween Scrooge and an elementary teacher.  Incompatible.

Mark is never one to overshare.  Occasionally he does want to share something and it takes me off guard.  Last night he said, "Do you want me to write a guest post for your blog?"

What now?

He said, "About getting accepted to USU."

"Oh, OK."

So he did.

Hello everybody! Today I got my first college acceptance letter, from Utah State University. There is an open house in Lehi on Monday, with information about scholarships, and there is a campus tour on the 18th of November that is free for high school seniors. I'm not sure if that's where I am going, I still have other colleges I'd like to apply to. I was not expecting to get my acceptance today, and USU actually sent the email to the wrong person. Mom had to forward me the email because they sent it to her. It's exciting and strange to be applying to college, but I'm so thankful that I have my awesome parents to help me through it all. 

Love Mark E.

editor's note:  Adam set it up that his emails come to me and since teenagers never check email, it's a good system.  The email did go to him, he just didn't see it.

I'm grateful that Mark is looking forward to his future and it also freaks me out because isn't he still 6 years old?!?

Emma sent this last night:

She's quarantined, but looking fabulous.

I'm grateful to be healthy (still tired, but feeling pretty good).  I'm grateful for how kind people are to me. It's a nice feeling to be inundated with "Welcome back!" and  "How ARE you?" and "I'm so glad you're here!"

My costume is a baseball player this year.  I went for comfort above all else.  I took my own mirror selfies this morning in an attempt to be like Emma.

I even got the stirrup socks! And a Mariner's mask!

I have a bit of a deer in the headlights look but that's Halloween at an elementary school.  It isn't for the faint of heart.


Geri said...

You look fabulous. Way to take one for the team.

Marianne said...

You and Emma and Mark are all fabulous!

Mark Dahl said...

Great post, Thelma. I have never liked Halloween so on Halloween, also Nevada Day I always played Nevada learning activities and gave lots of candy. But you can't do that in Utah.

Olivia said...

Who says you can't do that on Utah? We need to spread the Nevada love far and wide--or at least to neighboring states. Congratulations to Mark on his USU acceptance!

Olivia said...

I mean IN Utah.


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