
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

You can't make this up

The third grade teachers share students for reading.  By choice, I work with the students that are below level.  They are a good group, bright and charismatic.  Mostly they are below level because English is not their native language.  They'll get it soon enough.

In order to prepare for the hopefully unlikely possibility that we will go online, I have my little group get online on Monday and do Boom Cards, which are basically virtual flash cards.  They practice silent e words and sight words.

It's the hardest part of each week, getting those kids online.  I write out their usernames and passwords but they still can't type them in correctly.  It's a big undertaking.  I keep thinking it will get easier and it keeps not getting easier.

Yesterday, I was moving from desk to desk, pointing out where they had made a mistake and having them click here, no there, not there, there to log in.  One boy raised his hand and I walked over to his desk and wonder of wonders, he had managed to get into Boom Cards.  There was one problem.  It was all in German.  How he had managed that is beyond me.

I clicked him out of it, had him log back in and try again.

Mondays only come around once a week.  And we have pizza every Monday.  Mondays are survivable.

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