
Friday, October 2, 2020

Grateful Friday

I'm grateful for Adam who sees me through insomnia.  He is getting lots of practice lately.

I'm grateful for Braeden and Anna.  I love how smart and good they are.  If you want people to rely on, get two responsible first born children who married each other. 

I'm grateful for Emma.  I love the dreamy humanities major life she leads.  She sent this recently:

I'm grateful for Mark who is sweet and loving and funny.  My whole life right and left have been hard to keep straight.  My very own learning disability.  Mark told me to use port and starboard.  I said, "If I can't keep right and left straight, I doubt port and starboard will work."  But guess what?  I should have been a sailor.  (Except I would have had to be a very successful sailor because I can't really swim.)

I'm grateful to be a teacher.  Yesterday, a student solemnly presented me with a hug and this:

Gifts are my love language.

So are third graders.

I'm grateful for my team.  Part of my insomnia has been related to how poorly online school is going for one of my students.  He doesn't have enough home support to be successful and I don't know how to make up the difference.

I handed my problem to my third grade team friends and they mulled it over and we talked and talked and we came up with a solution that just.  Might.  Work.

I'm grateful for my parents.  Last night when there was a misunderstanding and I cried and acted like a slightly deranged person (they've seen it before) they loved me anyway.

They always love me anyway.

I hope my children will forever feel the same way about me.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for being so real, so humble, so honest. It makes me feel better about my own days.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being so real, so humble, so honest. It makes me feel better about my own days.

Olivia said...

This makes me cry. I always look forward to your gratitude posts!

Marianne said...

Love you so much!


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