
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Ten things that delight me about third graders

The dumb jokes they tell me.

The way they laugh at my dumb jokes.

Hearing my student who only speaks Spanish laugh at my botched Spanish pronunciations.

Watching them press their faces against the window every morning and then yelling reassurances to each other, "She's here!"

Teaching them something they didn't know and are blown away by.

Reading them good stories.  I read Strega Nona to my literacy group yesterday and they sat with rapt attention.

Watching one my Spanish speakers and my Vietnamese speaker whisper to each other in their languages and then giggle.

When some of them refuse to go to recess until they are finished with their work.

The look on their faces when a math concept clicks and they are thrilled (and so am I).

Their shouts of "See you tomorrow!" as they run out the door when the bell rings.


Mark Dahl said...

I'm so glad they love you as much as you love them. Your mom

Mark Davis said...

These rotten kids have never had it so good.


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