
Monday, November 22, 2021


We tackled the holiday grocery shopping.  We are having pikkujoulu next weekend in addition to Thanksgiving so it was an undertaking.  Also, Trader Joe's has gluten free peppermint Jo Jo's.  

Honestly, what more do you need in life?

Adam fit everything into the fridge and freezer and lectured me when I put the (gluten free) pasta on a random shelf in the pantry instead of in the designated spot.

I'm better at organizing the pantry than maintaining an organized pantry.

But don't worry, Adam is on the case....

Saturday, Adam and I were both given Covid booster shots.  I felt fine until the middle of the night when I got chills.  I woke up pretty achy and miserable yesterday morning, but it was short lived and worth it.

Saturday night, before I started feeling awful, Adam and I went to the Carlsons' for dinner.  Anna's parents moved to Utah this fall and they're only 30 minutes away in Herriman and that is wonderful!

They are our kind of people.  We immediately became friends when we met that first time and we truly love spending time with them.  It's fun to talk about our kids--particularly the ones we have in common.

We compared notes on our news from them and feel the exact same tension about wanting to give them everything and wanting to let them figure it out for themselves.

Adam told them all about the finer features of the strollers and carseats he's been researching.  We're going to share a granddaughter!  I'm so glad we're friends!

We talked to Braeden and Anna and Mark in a FaceTime call on Sunday afternoon and Mark was taking a walk around campus while we talked and Braeden was moving his phone all around their kitchen while he was getting his lunch ready and I told them to stop and hold still.

They didn't so I moved away and just listened.  I was getting carsick.

Later I was sitting across the room and Adam was holding the laptop.  I had my glasses off and I couldn't tell which boy was which.  They look a lot alike when they're blurry.

I love those boys even when they won't hold still (pretty much their whole lives)!  And my girls!  We'll all be together in a few days!

Last night we watched the latest installment of the Great British Baking Show, then I called Braeden and Anna to discuss because I had theories.

Braeden realized we'll all be together to watch the finale!  It's the little things that make life grand.

1 comment:

Edgar Cobian said...

It IS the little things that make life grand--suddenly, inexplicably, I can read your blog on my laptop!


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