
Thursday, November 4, 2021


During math, I was sitting next to a student and helping him.  He looked at my Nevada shaped necklace and said, "What's that?  Utah?"

I said, "You're killing me right now."

I have a big map on my wall and every time I point out a location we are reading about or talking about, I show them on the map.  I always point to Utah first and say, "OK, here's where we live, in Utah" and then I point to the other location.

Every time.

We went on a walking field trip to Orem Junior High to watch a play.  We were a long line of 3rd, 4th and 6th graders.  It was about 5 blocks and across a busy street (8th North).  I had an iron grip on one of my student's hand.  He didn't like it but I didn't care.  He's a runner.

I moved everyone in the theater so they could see.  I strategically sat by who I needed to.  I poked the 4th graders in front of me and told them to be quiet.

The director at the junior high sent us this "group selfie" that she took before the show.  Leave it to a drama teacher to be theatrical....

That picture about sums it up.

Back at the school, I saw Jami, the principal, and he asked me how it went.  I told him we came home with as many children as we left with.

He said, "Are you sure?  Did you try to leave some of them there?  Because they have detention there."


The kids were amped up all day and the boys play tag at recess and then they keep trying to play tag during class.  

A boy was weeping after recess because he had cut his finger.  Then he said he was in too much pain to do his work.  Some of them are a little more tender than others.

I didn't roll my eyes which seems like as big of an accomplishment as the bringing the children back from the field trip.

The school is completely out of white paper.  Did someone forget to order it or is it a supply chain situation?  We all accept supply chain situations like we never would have dreamed of several years ago.  

I stopped at the store for a salad to go with our dinner last night.  I texted Adam I accidentally bought some donuts too.

He texted back, "oops."

It was that kind of a day.

As Emma said, "There's something elegant about a simple glazed donut."  They seem especially nice in the autumn.  A glazed donut evokes a hayride and then someone hands you a donut and a cup of apple cider.

1 comment:

Mark Davis said...

The donut speech really hits home to me. We'll have to find some good gluten free options before Thanksgiving


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