
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Five things I'm grateful for

 1. I had a chiropractor appointment (always grateful for those) and I mentioned I had dental work and my jaw seemed out of whack.  He said, "Oh wow," and "This will hurt."  He's never wrong about it hurting, but my jaw feels a lot better now.

2. I bump up against chaotic families a lot at school.  It makes me grateful for the stable home I grew up in and the stable one I go home to.  Also, I'm grateful for my school.  Yesterday I was in an interaction with a parent who can only be described as a hot mess.  Kristie, our principal was there too.  She must have texted the secretary, because Rachel showed up quietly and set down three bags of groceries.  Kristie simply said, "These are for you," and gave them to the parent, who replied that they could now eat tonight.  There is good in the world and I'm proud to be associated with a school that brings so much good.

3. I had a stack of books to pick from for my students for Christmas presents.  I didn't have enough books!  At least not enough that were easy enough for this crowd.  I was SURE I had more.  But where?  I looked and looked and finally gave up, thinking I must have only imagined I had more.  Then I found them!  I had plenty that were just right.  The melodrama is never too far away....

4. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas.  This is my favorite time of year.  It's busy, but wonderful.  The scented candles alone make it great!

5. There are many genius inventions that make life better.  Zip ties, letter openers, boot jacks, car play, watering cans, magnets, pens, needles, to name a very few.  What a wonderful world!

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