
Monday, November 14, 2022


Things I said to Adam this weekend:

  • Are you rethinking turning down life insurance on me?
  • You have been really kind to me this weekend and I have not been a lot of fun.
  • (Also, I whined a lot.)

Wednesday I got my crown.  It messed me up.  I got canker sores on my tongue and also on my tonsils.  My jaw hurt, my glands were swollen, I hurt.

Friday at school, it was hard to talk.  It was painful.  After lunch, I wrote on the board, "I can't talk because it hurts too much.  Log into Google Classroom and do the Mystery Science lessons."

One of the boys came up and hugged me.  They were absolutely silent.  In their lovable, if irrational way, they figured if I couldn't talk, they couldn't either.  They wrote me notes.  "Can I use the bathroom?"  "If you can't talk I won't either."

I considered that I should have done that MONTHS ago.

Friday night I took about 45 minutes eating scrambled eggs.  I was starving, but it hurt to swallow.  So painful!

Saturday morning I woke up with a migraine which is my least favorite way to wake up.  I couldn't eat so I didn't eat and since I didn't eat, I didn't take any medicine for the headache so it just got worse.

I finally choked down some applesauce and yogurt and Excedrin.  I lay on the couch in a posture of just wanting to die and then Adam brought me some rice chex.  I struggled to eat them and then I finally started to feel a little more human in the late afternoon.

Once you start to lose the grip of a migraine, it is amazing how good you feel.  I still felt sad about a lost day with Adam.  It was his first time home on a Saturday in 5 weeks and I had been looking forward to spending it with him.  

You don't always get what you want.

Sunday, I taught Relief Society and Adam went to sacrament meeting in our ward, which was nice.  He doesn't like sharing a hymn book with me because I tend to bounce my leg, but we're working it out.  I think this marriage can be saved.

In the afternoon, we talked to the Davis kids.  Watching Eleanor army crawl toward the phone with determined glee is a high point in our lives.  She grabs the phone and swoops us around the room.  When she looks at us in the screen, she raises her eyebrows and smiles.  She also showed off her skills at pulling herself up to standing at the dishwasher.  Anna gave her a clean plastic cutting board out of dishwasher as "her spoils."  You never saw anyone so delighted with a cutting board.

Emma came over and I showed her the box of stuff my aunt Jennifer gave me.  I need to figure out how to best preserve it.  I want to share some of it with my cousins and siblings.  

So it ended up being a nice enough weekend.  I didn't die after all.  There's always that.


Marianne said...

So glad you are still with us!

Olivia Cobian said...

Sounds like so much pain! Glad you were a booger right back!


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