
Monday, January 9, 2023

Before I get TOO excited

Friday after not getting enough sleep all week, I woke up with a migraine.  I saw an ad for something for 2025 and I honest to goodness thought I probably wouldn't make it that long.

I staggered to school.  I told my students I had a headache and would love it if they would be quiet.  In a shocking turn of events, they weren't.  It was snowing/raining so we had inside recess.  For lunch, I have always opted to still eat in my classroom and keep an eye on my students when we have inside recess, even though I don't have to.  For the first time, I ate in the faculty room with Janelle and the recess aide monitored my class.  I didn't want the noise, noise, noise.

Somewhere along in the afternoon, I started feeling better and feeling better from a migraine is the best feeling in the world.  

I was perked up enough that I made up some games for our grammar lesson. We were talking about adjectives.  We played a guessing game where someone had to think of a noun, then you could only use adjectives to describe it.  If you used a verb, you were out.  

Then we still had a little time so another game.  I said that I'd give a Skittle to them if they could name one adjective about me that no one else had said.  They had lots of ideas.  Curly hair, brown hair, teacher, glasses, smart, kind, funny, caring, tall.  It was starting to go right to my head, especially the tall adjective.  You can't be the shortest in your family and not be a little flattered when someone (who admittedly doesn't know your siblings and is also a child) thinks you're tall.

The next adjective was equally descriptive.  Old.

Yep.  I gave them a Skittle for that one too.  They weren't wrong.


Marianne said...


Mark Dahl said...

I could think of lots of adjectives other than old, Thelma.


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