
Monday, January 23, 2023


Sometimes I come home from school with my shoulders up around my ears from stress.  Sometimes I come home with shoulders drooping in defeat.

I think this school year just needs to be endured.

Here's something though.  We have this contest thing going for passed lessons on iReady (which is our math program).  The previous week 6 students in my class reached their goal of four passed lessons.  The other third grades each had around 12.

My class struggles so hard.

Last week, we reached our goal of 16 students getting 4 lessons passed!  Kind of.  Five of my students passed 8 lessons and I counted it.  So I actually only had 11 students pass 4 lessons, but we still celebrated!

Another great thing that happened is that I met Clarissa for our walk and it was light!  It's only going to get better.

Otherwise, the weekend was quiet.  We did the quiet Saturday things.  We got more snow.  Adam left for a business trip to Mexico.  I cross-stitched and watered my plants and baked gluten free carrot cake breakfast cookies.  I'm on a quest to get Mark healthier.

The cookies were OK.  You would think the carrots would have made them sweeter, but they weren't really sweet at all.  They weren't much of anything except the powdery taste of gluten free flour. (I was hoping the oats would counteract that, but alas.)  I watched Mark try one.  I said, "They don't have a taste."

He said, "Weird.  You're right."

I said, "They're not bad."

He said, "No, they're not."

I said, "But, they're not good."

He said, "No, they're not."

Mark and I made beef bulgogi (with gluten free soy sauce) for dinner.  Since he'd had a stomach-ache all weekend, I told him that kimchi was a probiotic and would be good for him.

He said, "No."

He said, "Anything pickled is just a different rotten."

We liked the bulgogi though (and I had a little kimchi, which I think is actually fermented rather than pickled, but I don't think that would have changed Mark's mind).

We had stake conference, which was wonderful.  I felt inspired to do better and be better.  I felt encouraged.

It was the kind of restorative weekend that I need to pull up my boots and get back at it on a Monday.  

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